“Graduation is Not the End; it’s the Beginning”
-Orrin Hatch
Another semester has ended, another set of students graduate making their way into the “real world.”
To the newly graduates, congrats on taking your last finals and walking that stage with the biggest smile on your face thinking, “I’m finally done!”
You’re right, you are done…but just with the school part. The hardest part comes next and that’s getting a job. But not just any job, your dream job that you’ve been preparing for these past years.
But the truth is not everyone gets their dream job right after they graduate. These are the hard truths about life after graduating…..
- Jobs: Many graduates right after college have a hard time finding a job.
- Internships: Many graduates get hired for internship positions than an actual job.
- Interviews: The interview process can vary; some can be many rounds, phone or in person, you have to take an assessment, and others you might get hired on the spot.
- Loans: Most loan repayment plans start 6 months after you graduate.
- Part-Time Job: Many graduates still work at their part-time job while searching for a job related to their degree.
- Time: Some graduates get hired right after college; for others it might take weeks, months, even years before they land their first official job.
- Non-Related Job: Some graduates find a job not related to what they studied for.
These are the realistic truths about graduating after college that no one really tells you about. But don’t let this scary you, here are some helpful tips that will get you through this uncertainty time in your life….
- Job Searching Websites: Sign-up for notifications when positions open up so you can apply to them. Ex) Indeed, Glassdoor, etc.
- Take the Internship: Some jobs want you to have more experience before giving you an actual job. So if an internship is being offered, take it!
- Another Interview: You will get a lot of interviews and many will be different. It might be nerve-racking but you will become an expert in interviewing.
- Don’t Stress about Loans: Don’t think that you have to repay your loans all at once. You can choose a payment plan that works for you. Also see if you can be approved for loan-forgiveness.
- Keep Your Part-Time: While you are looking for a degree-related job, keep working at you part-time job. Don’t be embarrassed that you might still be working there, at least you are getting some income some way.
- Take Your Time: Everyone gets a job with time, so stop stressing. Especially stop worrying about another person having a job already, you will eventually find one.
- Non-Degree Job: Some graduates find a job that they didn’t even get a degree for but they’re happy with that. Sometimes accepting a non-related job that has nothing to do with you degree leads to a new interest.
So to my graduates, you’re probably freaking out now because all you thought about was passing your last classes, finals, grad pics, and grad parties that you haven’t completely focuses on applying for jobs.
It’s okay, we’ve all been there. It’s never too late to start applying and setting up interviews. Just remember that you might not get your dream job and instead have to settle for something else.
People don’t become successful over night, it takes time. And I promise with time you will land your first official “adult” job.
But for now, go celebrate with your friends and family. You freaking graduated from college! Be proud of yourself because not many people reach this milestone.
Here’s to graduating from college and owning a very expensive paper! Congrats Class of 2018!
Love Always,