“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.”-William Shakespeare.

Behind every title or name there is a story. A significance or importance connected to it, that as years past everyone will always remember the name. So when I was deciding on what name to give this blog, I brainstormed a lot and asked my two sisters constantly for advice. “Does this one sound better or this one?”

But thinking of a name was so hard, I almost named it, The Blog About Everything and Anything. But it wasn’t catchy and in my heart I knew it wasn’t the one. There had to be something better, something that everyone would love and have some sort of connection so they could remember the name of the blog.

Then I started to think about the reasons why I wanted to create this blog and what topics I wanted to write about. I knew that I wanted to write about a variety of topics and not be afraid to write about serious topics that the others were scared to cover. Topics that everyone went through every day, topics that would find a connection with people, topics that were worth writing about.

Life, that’s what I would always come back to. And I started to think about my life and everything that I had experienced the past year (this story is for another time). This past year was painful and I struggled in every aspect of my life and it challenged me in ways that I never knew but I got through it.

My life, the life that I sometimes hated and wished was different but that’s it, it was my life. I believe that everything happens for a reason and the hard moments I experienced the past year, I was suppose to go through. And even though it was hard, all the struggles and the challenges have made me into the person I am today. I am proud of that and I love the life I am living. (See what I did there!?)

Love Your Life- Sometimes we get consumed in all the bad that happens to us that we forget to appreciate the good things that happen. Somethings we can not prevent from happening, but we can decide on how we act. You can live your life however you want, it’s yours. It’s your life so love it, because you don’t know when it will end.

Love Your Life,


P.S. If you’re going through a hard time right now, you’re not alone. If you want to talk more about it send me an email at lidiaherrera6640@gmail.com. Always remember that it will get better.