“The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.” —Lady Bird Johnson

50 years ago, Earth Day was celebrated for the first time and as a result, the environmental moment was born. Over 20 million people protested the industrial revolution in America on this day forever changing the future. This first Earth Day would lead to a worldwide moment of protests, speeches, concerts, fundraisers, nature walks, clean-ups, and many environmental changes to help save Mother Earth.

Ironically it is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and the world is hurting. The COVID-19 Pandemic has changed everyone’s life in many ways and we all might not be the same after it is all done. But if there is something good that will come out of this is that nature is healing during this time.

While I’ve been in quarantine these past weeks, I’ve spent a lot of time outside and noticed a lot of wild life where I live….meadows filled with flowers, birds chirping all day, squirrels running after each other, and so many more.

All over the world, nature is returning because many of the cities are shutdown due to the pandemic. Multiple cities have reported a reduction in air pollution, cleaner water canals, and wild animals roaming the streets.


Could this possibly be an insight of how our world would look like with a huge reduction or absolutely no fossil fuels?



These past 50 years, Earth has changed immensely and it has not been for the best. Carbon dioxide is an all time high, sea levels have risen greatly, and there have been many temperature breaking records all over the world.

All of these have contributed to an increase in natural disasters such as Hurricane Harvey’s record rainfall, record snowstorms, and California’s deadly wildfires which were caused by five years of drought. This past decade, we have seen so many breaking records and the numbers are still raising if things don’t change for the best.

UN leaders, scientists, and activists are urging everyone that it is still not too late to make changes to help our planet. But a group of people is not enough….we need everyone especially all the governments to change their environment policies for the better.


If there is no political pressure on governments, the world will go back to unsustainable business as usual rather than emerge with a healthier sense of what is normal”- Mother Jones Website


The pandemic has made the impossible, possible. It has not only made people slow down but also businesses around the world. The world economic system had no choice but to stop during this pandemic, so why can’t the world finally put some action on climate change?

It is possible to save Earth but it won’t be easy and it will take time. Now more than ever we need to take action and save our home before it is too late. Let’s make a change together!

Happy Earth Day,



P.S. Special thanks to Liz for letting me use one of her artworks as my feature picture for this blog post. Follow her artwork from start to finished on Instagram!