Life is a Balance of Holding on and Letting go

One of the hardest thing in life is learning how to let go. We as humans are good at holding on to things and bad at letting go. It’s natural for us to hold on to things.

I still have a hard time with that and it’s a learning process but sometimes you have to let go because it’s the right decision for yourself. I never want to let go because letting go means change and changes are scary.

But when do you know it’s time to let go? For everyone the reasons are different- starting a new chapter in your life, moving on to better things, bettering yourself, etc. Recently for me, the reason was because holding on meant pain and in the new chapter of my life I realized I don’t need to put myself in that situation again and again.

What did I let go? Someone was causing me pain. This is another story that when the time is right I’ll share with you all. But I came to the realization that I was trying to move on from this situation but she was still stuck in the root of the problem.

I wanted to hold on to this person because of the memories we shared but how do you hold on to someone that is causing you pain. I was tired of going back and forth and one day I decided I was time to let go.

It literally took me months and thousands of miles away from home to realize that I had to let go. I was letting go of the anger, the unresolved issues, the pettiness…everything. I knew if I kept going that I would end up hating someone that I cared about. And because I care, I let go. I let go for her, our friends but most importantly me.

I choose to let go so I can move on and live my life without hatred or resentment. It wasn’t easy and it’s still something I am working on but it is possible. But unfortunately not everyone can see the bright side of letting go and hopefully within time they do reach that point too.

And just because you let go doesn’t mean you’re letting go forever. There’s times when letting go of something or someone is permanent. But then there’s other times when it can be for a certain amount of time.

You decide on how and when you let go of things but always remember that you are in control of what you hold on to.

Love Always,
