Place your hand over your heart, can you feel it? That is called purpose. You’re alive for a reason so don’t ever give up.

When do you know it’s time to give up, completely? Do you run out of reasons? Do you do it cause you can’t anymore? Cause it’s hard or cause you don’t have anyone to go to?

Many people around the world give up each day, how many exactly…1 person every 40 seconds according to the World Health Organization. About 800,000 people die every year due to suicide.

A couple of weeks ago, a tragedy happened on campus, something that no one ever talks about. A student committed suicide by jumping off one of the school’s buildings. There has been suicides on the campus before but this one was different.

Memorial at UH

The week before CAPS (Counseling And Psychological Services) for Suicide Awareness Day, they displaced 1,000 shirts on the lawn in front of the library. About 1,000 students commit suicide on campuses nationally every year. They did this to spread awareness about suicide and to make the students aware that CAPS is always open for anyone who is struggling in any way in their lives.

I don’t know what could have led her to step off the ledge, making her final step the last one she will ever take. But I think it could’ve been prevented. Maybe she felt alone, there was a lot of pressure, she was stressed about school or had personal problems, maybe she got her heart-broken. Whatever it was, I think she needed someone to talk to. Acknowledging someone could instantly change someone’s day.

We have to be aware of what and how we say things to people because words can have an impact. We also have to be aware that someone can be going through a difficult time. If you know someone is or you are then get help. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help because everyone needs it at some time.

Personally I’ve been struggling the past year and it wasn’t until 2 of my sorority sisters convinced me to talk to someone at CAPS. At first it can seem super awkward and you might not think you need it but after a while you realized that you needed help. Sometimes you just need to talk to someone who doesn’t know you, so they can give you an outside view of your problems and how to fix them.

I wished that someone had reached out to her, maybe it would’ve made a difference but unfortunately it’s too late. But it’s not late to help others who might be going through something and are feel that they are alone. Reach out to someone, anyone who seems down, talk to them and let them know you care.

Everyone goes through hard times but no one has to go through it alone. Be aware of the signs and reach out. Even a simple hi can make a huge difference. And don’t ever give up no matter what!

Love Always,


P.S. If you need to talk to some this is the number for the National Suicide Prevention Hotline is 1-800-273-8255. If you need to talk, message me at