Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.

Oprah Winfrey

I always wait until last minute to write this post, it’s basically a tradition now.

We’re not just saying goodbye to 2019 but to the 2010’s as a whole. And it’s crazy to think that another decade has passed but it has.

10 years ago, I was just turning 14 and band was my priority. Now I am 24 and my journalism career is my priority.

When I was a freshman in high school, our teacher told us to write a letter to ourselves in 10 years.

UofUH H Grad

I don’t have that letter anymore but I promise you, everything I thought I wanted back then and I would accomplish in 10 years…well most of them I didn’t accomplish.

2010’s was filled with a combination of highs and lows.

I received my high school diploma and my bachelor degree at the University of Houston which were both the biggest accomplishments of my life so far.

What I didn’t expect was to go through some difficult moments that would change my life forever.

1st Heaven Anniversary

Losing my mom was one of the biggest moments of my life that completely impacted my life. It was a heartbreak that lead me into a dark moment in my life that I eventually got through.

Studying abroad in Spain, was a big moment that got me out of that dark place. I regained who I was and I remembered who I wanted to be.

It was also the decade that I experience 2 heartbreaks that made me stronger than ever.

Córdoba, Spain

2019, was the year that I got my first career job as a journalist. And it was the year that I realized that I wanted way more in life than what I had.

It was also the year that I made the decision to finally apply for an opportunity that’s been constantly coming back (but more of that in 2020!)

I’m sad to see this decade go but I am excited to see what the next decade has in store.

For sure, the 2020’s will be the year that I grow into the women I’ve dreamed of being.

I will work hard to be successful in my journalism career whichever way it takes me, I hope I am happy and accomplished in this field.

In this next decade, I will probably be married and start a family….which is so crazy to think will happen.


Why is it crazy to think is this is a possibility!? Because I am single right now and have no plans of getting married anytime soon. But when the time happens, which I know will happen…I’ll be ready and excited to start that next chapter in my life.

Here’s to saying goodbye to this amazing decade that has shaped me in ways I never thought was possible but also to saying hello to the decade that will shape me into the person who I’ve always wanted to be.

Happy New Year!


P.S. Let’s make this the best year yet! Roaring 20’s, we’re ready for you!