An unbreakable bond, like nothing else
Thank you mystic bond for touching my soul on preference day almost 3 years ago when I was surrounded by strangers that soon became my sisters.
In these short years, I gained so much more than I ever though I would….

Starting with my amazing big sister, Arielle. From the beginning on bid day when you snatched my name and welcomed me to our sorority, I knew you were going to be my big. And I am so grateful for everything you have done for me since. You are one of the reasons what made my experience in this chapter so special. And even though we are thousands of miles away, you are still a big part of my life.
A year later…weirdly exactly the same way my big met and eventually claimed me as her little, I welcomed my own little, Fabiola. I didn’t know at the time but she came into my life at the perfect time. She soon became another important person in my life that I could trust and confide in just like my big, Ari.

Also I can’t forget the sisters who impacted my lives from the beginning to the end. You get close to your big/little family but also to other sisters that you learn to confide in. To my sisters who were there for me during the semester that changed my life when my mom passed away….you guys have no idea how a simple text to see how I was doing or buying me food, letting me sleep in your room, studying together, donating to her funeral or just letting me be in your company without saying much was the support and love I never thought I would receive while in the sorority. You know who you are, if you were there for me in some sort of way during this time, I will forever be thankful to you all.
And for the sisters that came afterword and helped me through the darkest moments of my life, I am also thankful that you were there when I needed someone. Each of us have had our disappointments and struggles over these years but we have always been there for each other. And even after some of us graduate this semester and go our different ways, we will continue to be there for each other.

As my chapter grew over the years so did I. I became Vice President of Communications for a year. Through this leadership opportunity I learned a lot about myself that I didn’t know before. I personally have grown over the years by gaining new confidence and a voice through the VPC position and by just being a member.
It opened many opportunities for me. I was about travel to our regional leadership conference in Dallas and to our National Convention in Chicago. I’ve met sisters from across the nation and stayed in touch with many of them through social media.
But most importantly I’ve gained so many memories and experiences that I wouldn’t trade

for anything. From going to tapioca runs before Monday meetings, celebrating birthdays, game days, ritual practices, road trips, sisterhood retreats, Homecomings, Frontier Fiestas, Thursday nights to Midtown, Rooftop, frat parties, probates, graduations or just grabbing McAlisters & Chick-Fila on campus to studying at the lib & the Nook. These will always be the memories and so many more that I will forever cherish.
It doesn’t feel real that I just went through our senior send-off ceremony and am no longer a collegiate member. I am thankful for that bid that I got 3 years ago that welcomed me to the best sorority I could’ve ever been part of.
I will forever be grateful for everything and to all my current Lambda Delta sisters:
Know that we (new alum) are done with our part and now it is your turn to step up and continue to take successful steps forward to better our chapter. We know you are all capable of making our chapter amazing and we can’t wait to see what you will do. Whatever differences come up between each other, remember that you are all there because you share the same values and choose Sigma Kappa. Enjoy every moment because it will soon come to an end.

As I take a step forward into my future, I leave behind me college days. It makes me happy to think that I leave my spot in the chapter to be filled by a new member next Fall. Hope she and all the other new members are touched by the mystic bond just like I was. And can’t wait to call Townhouse #3 their new home!
One Heart One Way ‘Til I Die
Lidia Herrera
P.S. To all my sisters still in the chapter, I left something at the house. If you find it I will buy you McAlisters! 🙂